Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Map- Environmental Features

 Environmental Features

There are different altitudes through out Latin America, they are divided into 5 different areas from lowest to highest; Tierra Caliente, which means Hot Land. Tierra Templada, which means Temperate Land, Tierra Fria-cold land, Tierra Helada- Frozen land and Tierra nevada which means Snow land. All of these different areas have different  use for the population and for agriculture and farming. These different areas, along with the different crops that are grown are shown in the diagram below. 


Environmental sections in Latin America 
Latin America is divided in the map above into the 13 natural regions based on their similar characteristics. 

These are just some examples of the different types of ecosystems that exist in Latin America through out the 13 different sections, from vegetation to the type land and animals. 



Cuba, Jamaica and Puerto Rico are the most common destinations in the Antilles. The main economic activities are focused on tourism and commerce. It has a tropical climate which encourages foreigners to visit and discover a paradise oasis. 



Amazonia is mostly known for the natural and un disturbed rain forest and the Amazon river. This immense ecosystem houses hundreds of different rain forest animal and plants, some of which have still to be discovered. Population of the Amazonia is very low and mostly native groups who live a very simple life separated from the exterior world. 

The Andes 

The Andes is a mountain range which spreads from Venezuela to the end of South America. It is considered the highest mountain range on land. 

Gulf-Caribbean Coastal Lowlands 

Mostly composed of swamps and mashes, these areas experience Tropical Storms through out the year. The region is considered to be sub-humid and it gets most of its rain from the warmer months. The main crop grown in this area is Bananas and another form of income is fishing. 

Pacific Littoral

Starts from the peninsula of Baja California, in Mexico, represent the southern extension of the Pacific mountain system of North America. Mostly know for the beautiful beaches and ecosystems that exist. Counts with diverse physical landscapes, which allow different uses of the land and the properties that it provides. 

Cordillera Ranges: Intermountain Basins and Plateu

The area of the region is more than 12,000 kilometres. The most extensive natural region in Latin America, the cordillera is consider to be a young mountain complex. The highest recorded inhabitants in one spot in this region is of 170 million people. The vegetation vary due to the different altitudes and temperatures that exist in this region.

Brazilian Highlands 


The Brazilian highlands main geographical features are rain forests. The southern highland section is a great area for growing coffee. 

Orinoco Llanos 


This basin is the third largest basin in Latin America, the orinoco river discharges in this region. This region consist of some of the richest tropical grassland, home to more than a hundred different species of mammals and more than 700 species of birds.

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